NDS RPG Corner (after 28 Sept '08)

Dimulai oleh Kei90, 28 September 2008, 09:12:20

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Sesuai namanya... gitu deh. Wkwkwkwk. Pengen nulis aj, game RPG ap aj yg kluar di NDS...

Ada Rhapsody DS yg lagi dimaenin! Sama... Storyline sama persis. Gameplay, dikit beda, karna dulu maennya bisa moving grid, skarang langsung attack, dll.
Kayaknya char nya bakal sama lagi kyk dulu, puppet2nya, gitu2 deh. Horn playing tetep ada, bisa cari duit disana. Hmm... ap lagi ya... Ud kali ya...  ;D

Nanti tak kasi tau RPG yg laennya XD

Motivation for fighting the fear of life:
"Brave men are them that once saw fear in their life, and crossing the fear. There are no brave men that already been brave when their are born."


Judul vrsi inggrisnya adalah Rhapsody the musical adventure.

Selain rhapsody, juga ada disgaea the hour of darkness.
Twitter ID : stefano1003
Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/stefano.ariestasia
Google+ : stefano.ariestasia
Blog : http://catatanstefano.wordpress.com


Rhapsody... jadi inget masa dulu neh...Game RPG pertama yang mampu kutamatkan dalam 2 hari. :p Akh, maklum lah. game RPG khusus buat cewek.
Butuh bantuan Spriter/Graphic Designer buat RPG Maker XP? PM aj gw. Pasti gw bantu klo gw lg nganggur. ;)


Kakakak! XD
Namanya game cewe... Gak bole hardcore, nanti stress.

Hmm.. lom ad yg baru nie... Btw, kalo mo cek game2 terbaru (versi Ke90), cek di frozen-roms.in
Lumayan lengkap en terus update XD
Motivation for fighting the fear of life:
"Brave men are them that once saw fear in their life, and crossing the fear. There are no brave men that already been brave when their are born."


Nie dia game yang lumayan seru and bikin addicted! Master of Monaster Lair berceritakan seorang pemuda yang gak ad kerjaan ketemu magic shovel yang berguna bwat bikin dungeon. Nanti ada 3 playable character termasuk Main char. Ad beberapa contoh gambar yg ketemu di Google.

Kiri Dalem Map, jadi bisa keliling2, jalan2 di map. Intinya ngebentuk dungeon untuk nge-trap Monster yang Wanted.
Kanan Sistem battle di Master of Monster Lair, tipikal Dragon Quest. Tapi lebih ... lebih.. simple...

Tertarik? Gw sie sangat tertarik  ;D ;D ;D

Motivation for fighting the fear of life:
"Brave men are them that once saw fear in their life, and crossing the fear. There are no brave men that already been brave when their are born."


Ada usul judul lain ga? Yang lumayan banyak mendayagunakan layar sentuh NDS gitu... soalnya aku main Digimon World lama-lama bosen juga, gak ada bedanya dengan main GBA...
Jangan lupa ikutan serunya petualangan Our Journey!
~ A, èxshna il utnön qu our journey shallaran a èndh... ~

About.me https://about.me/hoshiro.exsharaen


hahaha, digimon world ya emang gitu....

Apa ya kalo RPG... Oh ya, kan ada breath of fire utk NDS kalo gak salah. Ada juga FF Chrystal Chronicle.
Twitter ID : stefano1003
Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/stefano.ariestasia
Google+ : stefano.ariestasia
Blog : http://catatanstefano.wordpress.com


FF CC pakai layar sentuh? Kalau lihat screenshot kok rasae gak ya...
Jangan lupa ikutan serunya petualangan Our Journey!
~ A, èxshna il utnön qu our journey shallaran a èndh... ~

About.me https://about.me/hoshiro.exsharaen


make kok. Malah beberapa action tokohnya kudu pake layar sentuh.
Twitter ID : stefano1003
Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/stefano.ariestasia
Google+ : stefano.ariestasia
Blog : http://catatanstefano.wordpress.com


Maen TWEWY aja, tuh FULL layar sentuh. Atio Knights of.. something gitu de (lupa jdulnya), tu jg FULL touch.
Motivation for fighting the fear of life:
"Brave men are them that once saw fear in their life, and crossing the fear. There are no brave men that already been brave when their are born."


TWEWY udah main, tapi lagi buntu di 4 days left (lihat topikmu TWEYY :D). Lagi aku pending dulu, sekalian nunggu 7 hari biar bonus PP-nya banyak :P
Jangan lupa ikutan serunya petualangan Our Journey!
~ A, èxshna il utnön qu our journey shallaran a èndh... ~

About.me https://about.me/hoshiro.exsharaen


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