Orang di atasku itu...

Dimulai oleh Èxsharaèn, 17 Juni 2007, 09:04:51

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Orang diatasku... mousenya lagi error :)
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Orang diatasku lagi pusink mikirin pacar ^^p

Motivation for fighting the fear of life:
"Brave men are them that once saw fear in their life, and crossing the fear. There are no brave men that already been brave when their are born."


Orang di atasku lagi bosan.
Jangan lupa ikutan serunya petualangan Our Journey!
~ A, èxshna il utnön qu our journey shallaran a èndh... ~

About.me https://about.me/hoshiro.exsharaen


Orang diatasku itu lagi sakit..


Orang diatasku sedang mikir masa depannya  ;)

Motivation for fighting the fear of life:
"Brave men are them that once saw fear in their life, and crossing the fear. There are no brave men that already been brave when their are born."


Hmm... orang di atasku sedang liburan akhir tahun :D
Jangan lupa ikutan serunya petualangan Our Journey!
~ A, èxshna il utnön qu our journey shallaran a èndh... ~

About.me https://about.me/hoshiro.exsharaen


Orang diatasku itu lagi mikirin rencana akhir tahun n tahun depan.


Orang diatasku sedan ngeraain Taon baruan!!  ;D

Motivation for fighting the fear of life:
"Brave men are them that once saw fear in their life, and crossing the fear. There are no brave men that already been brave when their are born."


Tahun baruan? Iya si tapi gak seru cz masih mikirin projek TA.. hehehe

Orang diatasku baru pulang gereja..


Orang di atasku.. jangan stres-stres yah, kan ada sahabat-sahabatmu, OK? ;)
Jangan lupa ikutan serunya petualangan Our Journey!
~ A, èxshna il utnön qu our journey shallaran a èndh... ~

About.me https://about.me/hoshiro.exsharaen


Orang diatasku... Brusahalah buat RPG OJ yang mantepz!  ;D
Motivation for fighting the fear of life:
"Brave men are them that once saw fear in their life, and crossing the fear. There are no brave men that already been brave when their are born."


Orang diatasku.. tambah ide dunk?! hehehe


Orang di atasku itu... lagi ngapain hayo...
Jangan lupa ikutan serunya petualangan Our Journey!
~ A, èxshna il utnön qu our journey shallaran a èndh... ~

About.me https://about.me/hoshiro.exsharaen


Orang diatasku... seminggu lagi mo keliling kampung, nyari angpao sin cia-an  ;D
Butuh bantuan Spriter/Graphic Designer buat RPG Maker XP? PM aj gw. Pasti gw bantu klo gw lg nganggur. ;)


Dioatasku baru masuk ney. Hehehehehe, halo Valcrist.

Motivation for fighting the fear of life:
"Brave men are them that once saw fear in their life, and crossing the fear. There are no brave men that already been brave when their are born."